Monday, August 9, 2010

Cure For HIV/AIDs and Possibly Other Diseases

Cure For HIV/AIDs and Possibly Other Diseases
By Phil Nguyen

There are essentially 3 known methods to cure AIDs that I know of. These methods are taken as fact to me but if you don't believe me then it is your right to percieve that. Many methods are being deliberately suppressed.

1. Patent discussed by Dr. Boyd Graves. He took the cure and he said that it need to be distributed by everyone. He recently past away which is very suspicious but never the less this is a patented cure for the diseases. If you Google to a patent search website you can find it. The patent number is #5676977 - "Method of curing AIDS with tetrasilver tetroxide molecular crystal devices."

2. Royal Raymond Rife was one of those great scientist that would do good for man-kind but got suppressed. His invention would ultimately cure cancer and many other diseases. His approach is finding the frequency in which these viruses or bacterial are destroyed without affecting any other cells.

The frequency works like breaking glass with a sound frequency except it uses radio wave frequency aim at breaking the small dedicate virus. Viruses are like little crystal that can be broken by electromagnetic waves. For example if you use electromagnetic radiation in a proper form it can kill viruses. It is well known In laboratories, scientist use UV rays to kill viruses. These Rays are what distorts the structure of the fragile bacterial and especially smaller viruses and in terms destroying them.

3. The last method is using electrical waves. Dr. Robert Beck invented a method that was founded at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the 90s by Dr. Kaali and Wyman. It wasn't brought to any attention and Dr. Robert Beck had a hard time finding information about it until they filed a patent. The patent No. 5,188,738 is issued to treat blood with electrically conductive method. Dr. Robert Beck already had money from his camera flash patent, so I don't think he wanted money from his finding. Therefore he spent $80,000 of his own money on independent research to help test and develop this device. This treatment is said to treat bacterial, viruses, and other known pathogens in the blood. HE said it Cure Diseases. This would be a great invention to society because Dr. Robert Beck invented a way to do this in vitro. In vitro means to do this outside without surgery and such.

I hope this was informative to everyone, and people will do more independent research. The suppression of Cures and Energy Technology is well known to me and maybe others if you seek to past that information on. It is independent research by Dr. Robert Beck and many other scientist that eventually find things that is not impeded by other interest in an organization that is controlled by corporation boards.

Here is Dr. Robert Becks invention to Cure Diseases. This device looks very promising.

This information is brought to you by Phil Nguyen sk8tergnome87 on youtube.

I hope you enjoyed this information and subscribe to my channel and watch more videos about disease cures and other great information.

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The Cure For HIV, AIDS Has Been Discovered

Would you believe this!? The cure for HIV/AIDS has been discovered but the mainstream media are not reporting it as the big news that it should be! The only mainstream source I have found so far is from MSNBC.

The cure was reported first in May 2008 at an annual conference on "Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections" in Boston by a team of German doctors. The New England Journal of Medicine finally published the report in its Feb. 12, 2009, issue. Gero Huetter, who works in the Department of Hematology, Oncology and Transfusion Medicine at Charity University Hospital in Berlin, Germany is the hero who discovered the cure.

Dr. Huetter claims to have cured a 40-year-old American working in Berlin who has been HIV-positive for 10 years. The patient's HIV infection had been under control for four years with "conventional HAART treatment regimen" (Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy). The patient then developed leukemia and a bone marrow transplant of stem cells was done using standard protocol. Huetter, the German physician treating the American, deliberately chose a stem cell donor who had a gene mutation known as "CCR-5 Delta- 32″. The transplant was successful, as was the second transplant by the same doctor when the leukemia relapsed.

The Cure For HIV, AIDS Has Been Discovered!
By Mitch T

2 years after the transplants were done, the patient being off of all of his HIV drugs for that amount of time, showed no detectable signs of HIV. Not in his blood, bone marrow, lymph nodes, intestines, or brain, and his T-cell count remains normal. According to the doctors it appears that the patients HIV has been "eradicated".

Why isn't the mainstream media reporting on this? Is this a hoax or is does the mainstream media not want the public to know that HIV/AIDS has been cured?


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